Define Friendship

“Define Friendship” I typed on Google and there came the simplest answer I could ever get.
the emotions or conduct of friends; the state of being friends.
synonyms: relationship, close relationship, attachment, mutual attachment, association, bond, tie, link, union; informalbromance
“lasting friendships”
a relationship between friends.
plural noun: friendships
“she formed close friendships with women”
synonyms: amity, camaraderie, friendliness, comradeship, companionship, fellowship, fellow feeling, closeness, affinity, rapport, understanding, harmony, unity; More
a state of mutual trust and support between allied nations.

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In today’s generation the word friendship has variety of meanings in abundance that the real definition mentioned above has no worth. I might be sounding like a real douche for talking about friendship because trust me, neither I take the effort to maintain them nor I’m the kind of person to make a squad of my own. I’m not that kind and I’ve accepted that I would have ended up friends less if it weren’t for some amazing sane people who makes sure that I’m not left out of their lives. But today I don’t want to talk about them, but the ones that has become a generation full of people who depend on their lifestyle and social media to measure their respective friendships. I remember when we were kids, we would have fights with each other over a difference of opinion or over something said or done. Now nobody talks about their issues, they just cut them off from their life, just like how you would reject a creepy stalker on Facebook. A friend now is someone who would like your profile pictures, tweets and everything you do on all social platforms and even shower you with compliments, but the day he/she has a problem with you, you are unfollowed or worst case scenario, blocked. Just like that. We are a generation who are extremely vulnerable towards confrontations and also knows that we have the power to make or lose friends as we wish.

Then comes the other type, who are so disturbingly close to you that they want to know the color of your shit to feel that they are close to you. I don’t have a problem with this category of people as long as they know that one day, when life gets you going in different directions you can’t expect to stay the same. And during that time, if you act like a jerk and be hard on your friend, there lies the ultimate death of your friendship. If you have friends whom we connect with an instance, even when you haven’t spoken, even for years, they are the friends who you should hold on to your dear life. Friendship is not merely about being visible in the social media, it’s not about having the same lifestyle and it’s definitely not about the number of selfies you take together. People who have the patience and skill to keep their friends in the loop should highly be appreciated and on the other hand, when it becomes part of a show off parade, it just becomes shallow and low.

This makes me wonder, is there any friendship out there where your friend will go above and beyond to help you in a crisis? Will you have all those best friends around when everything is going wrong in your life? Is friendship now just a way of a lifestyle?

We live in a world where we sent I miss you to our friend for the whole world to see, but in reality, we ignore that same person when we are out and about partying with others. We live in a world where the quality of friendship is equivalent to the number of check-ins you have on Facebook and the purity of friendship to the circle of desirable friends you have.

And there are friendships, which are so simple yet powerful that they would stand through thick and thin and never let each other feel lonely even if you are thousand miles away, no sorry, no thank you, no expectation, no demand. Just utmost respect, understanding and support.

Author: Lakshmi Geeth

I’m an ordinarily odd person who is pleasant to talk to. When I’m not trying to be funny, I would be lying on the floor bawling my eyes out. I write weird stories, real life snippets, traumatic and dramatic memories along with doses of unsolicited advices. 🙂
