Buns, the tutti fruity mixed sweet buns and I had a special bond during my childhood. The first time I tasted that little piece of carbohydrate was when I was in my primary school. The Principal of that school was a very strong and kind lady, we used to call her Ammuma(Grandmother) teacher even though Read More
Category: HOW I GOT HERE?
How did I become this incorrigible adult with a personal blog? What is my story? Well, to know all that I need to take you on a journey which started quite a long time back. Starting with my childhood memories to my teenage rebellious years to the controversial adulthood. Basically, HOW I GOT HERE!
The puny children in the school
I am a dork who is inherently clumsy (A big shout-out to my mom), so whenever I am drinking water from a bottle it will spill all over my clothes and hair, whenever I am walking people either get reminded of happy feet or a rush of fear comes across their face of being crashed over, In fact Read More
A letter to my grandmother
To my dear Ammuma, The first time I met you and appupa(grandfather), it was during those days when I was left with you both by my parents while they went for work. I dont remember how old I was at that time, but I had alot of insecurities, i mean ALOT of them such as Read More
Awkward friendship – 1
From the time we are an embryo in our mothers uterus to the time we can frame proper sentences we are stuck with people we are familiar with and know. That is your father, mother, brother, grandma, grandpa, milk boy, fish aunty, aunty who comes to take care of us, the neighbor aunty, okay you see where I Read More